Thursday, July 19, 2007

Only the Beginning

In 12 days I am moving to the Gambia (and yes, it is called THE gambia); it is a tiny country in West Africa and it sits on the Atlantic Ocean. I am living in an urban city called Bakau; it's fairly small but I have the pleasure of living on the Atlantic Coast for nearly 7 months. I will be working for the Child Protection Alliance (CPA) as the Programmes Assistant; CPA focuses their work on protecting children from child abuse, from the sexual exploitation of children and from child traffiking. People most often ask me if it's safe; the Gambia is an extrodinary safe country and I can promise you all that there is no war and no foreseeable outbreaks of war in the Gambia, nor in any of the surrounding countries.

My goal is to update this blog as regularly as the internet will allow so you all will know what I am up to and how things are going without me inundating your inboxes on a regular basis. I do hope you will all keep in touch; it's always nice to hear from friends, makes me feel like I haven't completely fallen off the planet and into my own little world. I promise that I will respond to all emails but just as a warning, it may take a few days to get a response; please send all emails to

And the rest is for your enjoyment...

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